Monday, 29 September 2014

Is It Time to Replace the Furnace?

There are three factors you need to take into account to decide if it is time you replace your furnance:
  1. Efficiency
  2. Fuel costs
  3. Heating load

Let’s take a look at them one at a time.


Fuel costs are capricious nowadays. Although petroleum companies tend to price gas competitively, there is still much uncertainty associated with gas prices. Therefore it is safer to keep furnaces that are efficient. For instance, the best condensing-type gas furnaces can capture as much as 97 percent energy of the fuel. If your furnace is worn out, and thus no longer as efficient as it used to be, it is probably the time to buy a more efficient model. But do not be in a hurry. The average life of a furnace is 25 years. Your model may have a lot of life still left in it.

Fuel Costs

An efficient furnace can reduce your heating bills by as much as 20 percent. To figure out if these savings matter, add up look at the fuel bill of the last winter. Then multiply that number with ⅕. After that figure out how much it will cost you to install a new system. Divide the cost with the second number (which you received after multiplying by ⅕). The figure will show you the number of years to recoup the investment in the new system.

Heating Load

Heating load varies between houses. You can get a report on your heating needs through an audit. Ask your energy company for it. After that it is your decision: whether to upgrade the existing system or to purchase a new system to meet the increased heating load requirements.


It is a smart idea to replace your furnace if efficiency, fuel costs, and heating load requirement dictate that. You can ask for help from professionals to find out if your meet the criteria.

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